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Friday, September 7, 2018

World’s First AI That Can Predict A Person’s Choices Before They Make It

World's First AI That Can Predict A person's choices Before They Make It.

Our brain is world’s most powerful machine. You will amaze to know that if we take our brain as a computer, it could perform 38 thousand trillion operations per second, the world’s most powerful supercomputer is able  do only 0.002% of that. Human brain has 100 billion neurons and each neurons fires (on average) about 200 times per second.
This activities happening within our brain at a lighting speed, ultimately help us to make quick decisions both in unconscious and conscious way. On an average an adult makes 35,000 choices each day. For decisions making our brain relies on two separate networks, one that determines the overall value and another that guides how you ultimately behave. person’s choices
Reading brain is always a difficult task for scientist. But researchers at Auckland University of Technology has make this statement false. AUT researchers have developed world’s first artificial intelligence model that an predict a person’s choices before they have even made up their mind.
The AI model has based on a new type of neural network called spiking neural networks. Spiking neural networks are very helpful to fill the gap between neuroscience and machine learning, using biologically-realistic models of neurons to carry out computation. With such kind of neural networks finding the pattern’s in person’s choices gets little easy for AI.
Researches use it to developed NeuCube. NeuCube is a type of spiking neural network architecture use for mapping, learning and understanding of spatio-temporal brain data.
The project was run by a team from AUT’s Knowledge Engineering and Discovery Research Institute (KEDRI), which includes AUT PhD students and sisters Zohreh and Maryam Doborjeh, their supervisor Professor Nikola Kasabov and Professor Alex Sumich from Nottingham Trent University.
World's First AI That Can Predict A Person's Choices Before They Make It.
To know the person’s choices before they make it, Zohreh and Maryam Doborjeh perform the experiment with 20 participants. The participants were told to watch a video of different beverage logos. The sister recorded their brain data using an EEG headset. The recorded data then submitted to NeuCube algorithm. NeuCube quickly learned and start to classified patterns from the participant’s brains.
The algorithm was able able to predict their beverage choice 0.2 seconds before they consciously perceived the beverage. It also showed a clear difference between logos which were familiar to participants and those which weren’t.
Maryam Doborjeh, who is a specialises in machine learning, says witnessing the NeuCube algorithm work was amazing.
“The brain is an amazing thing – it learns and remembers things and can recognise them before the person can. To get a computer to be able to do that will change the way we all live.”
Zohreh Doborjeh, who is in charge of Brain Data Laboratory (EEGLAB,AUT) and specialises in the psychology element of the work, is interested in what the subconscious brain can tell us about a person’s decision-making.
“We know that only 10 per cent of people’s decisions are intentionally made, the other 90 per cent are made subconsciously by the brain based on previous experiences, history, genetics and other factors. This work will be a game-changer for marketing in particular.”
This ground breaking work can have a number of uses, including neuromarketing, cognitive studies and crime solving. One potential application would be the ability to determine an offender in a police line-up if a victim has blocked out the traumatic experience.
Kasabov, the designer of NeuCube, says the finding will lead on to more research.
“Researchers and social scientists will use this to understand better how much bias or prejudice we have due to our sub-conscience; what are our true preferences in life, how can we communicate better, and how can we learn better?”

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