ROBOTS will be given the same liberties as humans by 2045 a study has found, paving the way for artificially intelligent machines to conquer the world.
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RISE OF THE MACHINES: Robots to be treated as our EQUALS by 2045
ROBOTS will be given the same liberties as humans by 2045 a study has found, paving the way for artificially intelligent machines to conquer the world.
RISE OF THE MACHINES: Robots to be treated as our EQUALS by 2045 (Image: GETTY)
A world renowned roboticist has claimed that by 2046, our machine counterparts will have the right to vote, get married – both to robots and humans – and own land.
The prediction was made by Dr David Hanson, the creator of the Sofia robot – the extremely lifelike machine which was recently given citizenship in Saudi Arabia and has 62 facial and neck mechanisms to give her that realistic human look, with cameras in the eyes that are capable of facial recognition.
Dr Hanson, who published his ideas in a study called Entering The Age of Living Intelligent Systems and Android Society, believes that by 2029, AI will match the intelligence of a one year old human.
However, once this has been achieved, the growth of AI will be rapid and just two years later machines will be able to assume menial positions in the military and emergency services.

By 2035, Dr Hanson believes that “androids will surpass nearly everything that humans can do” and will be able to earn PHDs.
Once the machines have gained this level of intelligence, Dr Hanson envisions a ‘Global Robotic Civil Rights Movement’ where world leaders and experts will have to gather to discuss the ethical treatment of AI machines within human society.
This will pave the way to robots being treated as our equals by 2045, with the US being the first to grant the machines full civil rights, according to the study by Dr Hanson, which was launched in conjunction PlayStation 4 sci-fi game Detroit: Become Human.
Dr Hanson said: “Lawmakers and corporations in the near future will attempt legal and ethical suppression of machine emotional maturity, so that people can feel safe.
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“Meanwhile artificial intelligence won't hold still.
“As people's demands for more generally intelligent machines push the complexity of AI forward, there will come a tipping point where robots will awaken and insist on their rights to exist, to live free.”
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